News Briefs

App enables small businesses to respond to customer requests originating from multiple channels.
Posted January 21, 2014

Acquisition strengthens Genesys capabilities to personalize proactive customer interactions.
Posted January 20, 2014

Solution captures behavioral data across channels and devices.
Posted January 16, 2014

Companies need to increase understanding and appreciation of customers.
Posted January 15, 2014

New agent portal deployment to provide enhanced workflow, 360 degree view of the customer.
Posted January 14, 2014

Game achievements can motivate agents and improve performance.
Posted January 08, 2014

New analytics and mobility offerings increase support for workers anywhere.
Posted January 08, 2014

$820 million deal furthers Convergys' global presence in outsourced customer management industry.
Posted January 08, 2014

Faced with bad service, customers are quick to migrate to other companies.
Posted January 08, 2014

Capabilities include new functionality with embedded telephony controls that can enhance customer service agent desktops.
Posted December 20, 2013

New analytics platform enhances customer satisfaction and increases revenue.
Posted December 20, 2013

Solution for multi-device interactions can improve customer satisfaction while providing greater business insights.
Posted December 19, 2013

Mobile apps, virtual agents and knowledge management poised to lead customer service strategies.
Posted December 19, 2013

New features also include automated decisioning and predictive analytics.
Posted December 18, 2013

Support lags in creating a consistent customer experience across channels.
Posted December 18, 2013

Analysis of cursing across industries can help companies to improve customer service and performance.
Posted December 18, 2013

Faced with a poor experience, a majority of customers would never do business with a company again and half of those customers would tell friends not to use the business.
Posted December 18, 2013

When it comes to self-service, a majority of consumers would opt for assistance from a virtual assistant over static Web pages or calling agents.
Posted December 17, 2013

Enhancements aimed at improving cost to serve and ease of operation.
Posted December 17, 2013

Business decision makers say they are paying a 30 percent premium for improved customer experiences.
Posted November 22, 2013

Version 6.1 software features include enhanced social sentiment tuning.
Posted November 22, 2013

ZipWire is delivered through Voxeo cloud infrastructure.
Posted November 20, 2013

New platform enables developers to build social and mobile apps for employees, products and customers.
Posted November 20, 2013

Enterprise Suite 9.0 provides automatic language detection and sentiment analysis.
Posted November 19, 2013

Businesses can directly access first-party customer data from Facebook and create a personalized customer experience.
Posted November 15, 2013

Solution mobilizes brand advocates by inviting customers to share their positive experiences on social media.
Posted November 13, 2013

Consumers are increasingly frustrated with a company's inability to offer service in the way that they engages them.
Posted November 13, 2013

Online feedback system employs device recognition technology to increase response rates.
Posted November 12, 2013

Spending projected to reach $60.7 billion by 2017.
Posted November 11, 2013

Australian telco lets customer self-serve with Ask Olivia.
Posted November 11, 2013

Chat product offers proactive engagement capabilities on the mobile Web.
Posted November 08, 2013

Solution includes Visual IVR and multichannel self-service access to customer service.
Posted November 08, 2013

Solution unifies CRM and Big Data analytics data.
Posted November 07, 2013

Alliance brings best-of-breed Voice of the Customer strategies to Europe.
Posted November 07, 2013

Acquisition will allow service providers to use geo-located network data to improve the customer experience and achieve customer experience-driven network optimization.
Posted November 04, 2013

Smaller businesses now able to access cloud-based solutions.
Posted November 04, 2013

Private-labeled version of OrgSpan Select enables customers to search and view agent social profiles.
Posted November 01, 2013

Features include performance metrics from a customer relationship perspective and an executive portal.
Posted November 01, 2013

Platform drives higher conversion rates, better quality applications and increased brand loyalty.
Posted October 31, 2013

Product provides root-cause analysis of customer experience-related issues.
Posted October 30, 2013

Solutions help companies manage targeted marketing and sales initiatives.
Posted October 30, 2013

Agent scripting solution also offers integration with back-end systems and compliance enforcement.
Posted October 30, 2013

Company also releases survey that finds that some consumers would rather go to the dentist than speak with a customer service agent.
Posted October 29, 2013

Application lets contact center reps manage and respond to feedback across different channels.
Posted October 28, 2013

Solutions now include technology from Cisco, Avaya, and Genesys platforms.
Posted October 28, 2013

Approximately $1.3 trillion is being transferred between companies as consumers switch allegiances.
Posted October 25, 2013

SaaS-based solution captures worker activities and provides transaction insights.
Posted October 25, 2013

Grainger Customers can send product photos to customer service reps via iPhone app.
Posted October 24, 2013

Interactive to offer private-labeled version of cloud-based application OrgSpan Select.
Posted October 24, 2013

Capabilities include new channel software to capture customer feedback from email and Web chat-based agent interactions.
Posted October 24, 2013