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Keeping customers happy is the key, and the only way to do that is by empathizing with them and responding how you would want to be treated.
Posted November 11, 2019

Asynchronous messaging apps will help your business retain customers and preserve your agents' sanity.
Posted November 05, 2019

Online communities can be the key to richer customer success, but they need to be active. Here are a few ideas to help make that a reality.
Posted October 29, 2019

While social media success is often defined in marketing terms, benchmarking your social channels can reveal how the platforms are impacting the customer experience beyond just engagement and reach.
Posted October 21, 2019

Empowering agents to go off-script can lead to happier customers and employees.
Posted October 14, 2019

Companies need to look at what's important to their customers to improve their customer experiences.
Posted October 07, 2019

Insights from 75 million issues & 71 million bot interactions reveal how automation trends are driving customer service forward. Download this report to learn about the impact of customer service bots on standard contact center KPIs.
Posted October 01, 2019

Agents need to be better trained in the wake of more specialized questions and problems that will come as customers turn more often to self-help.
Posted October 01, 2019

As customer service channels blend, agents need to be trained on multiple channels and information needs to be carried from one channel to the next.
Posted September 23, 2019

Dialers can increase agent productivity by reducing idle time.
Posted September 16, 2019

The latest VoC solutions offer a new value framework that increases the amount of insight they can provide.
Posted September 09, 2019

As customers move across channels, most contact centers aren't equipped to bring the context with them.
Posted September 04, 2019

Hire from a team, not an individual perspective,
Posted August 27, 2019

Start-ups don't necessarily think first about customer support, but they can't afford to ignore it.
Posted August 19, 2019

Research shows that thoughtful design changes can positively impact employee morale and productivity. Here are 5 ideas to consider for your call center.
Posted August 12, 2019

To make chatbots better at customer interactions, take them away from the IT team.
Posted August 06, 2019

Companies can't wait until a crisis to create better customer experiences.
Posted July 29, 2019

Companies have a real opportunity to stand out with convergence, analytics, and personalization.
Posted July 22, 2019

Suggestions for driving positive customer experiences and improving brand loyalty with social media customer service.
Posted July 16, 2019

As the adoption of chatbots for customer support continues to rise, agents and contact centers will still be important.
Posted July 12, 2019

Here are three things to consider as you prepare for a successful virtual agent deployment.
Posted July 08, 2019

Modern customer support demands that team members all work from the same playbook.
Posted July 02, 2019

Advanced analytics are helping companies develop a deeper understanding of how best to approach customers when they are having problems.
Posted June 24, 2019

11 reasons chatbots fail and what you can do to avoid the same mistakes.
Posted June 17, 2019

Customer service centers have a significant business opportunity to tap into insights in voice data, yet most organizations are not equipped to do so properly.
Posted June 10, 2019

Video can streamline customer support interactions when issues get complicated or highly technical.
Posted June 03, 2019

Modernizing your service organization requires a data-driven mindset.
Posted May 28, 2019

Cloud-based communications are undergoing constant changes, especially in this emerging anything-as-a-service age. Communications service providers are working to reposition themselves by offering cloud-based innovations of their own.
Posted May 20, 2019

Creating a top-notch contact center staff requires the right set of skills and technologies.
Posted May 13, 2019

AI needs to be something that agents accept, not something they fear will replace them.
Posted May 06, 2019

Keep the human touch when implementing intelligent automation in your contact center.
Posted April 29, 2019

Here are three ways that employee monitoring can improve customer service and ensure data privacy.
Posted April 22, 2019

Motivated contact center agents improve customer and company outcomes, and gamification is a great motivator.
Posted April 15, 2019

The #1 priority for companies that want to create excellent conversational experiences is to empower not just the consumer but the support agent as well.
Posted April 08, 2019

The ideal CX department needs people with backgrounds in analytics, stortytelling, and innovation.
Posted April 01, 2019

Companies need to be transparent about how and why they are using bots to keep customers from being put off.
Posted March 25, 2019

Here are seven qualities that are key to improving agent experiences with the software and equipment they use every day.
Posted March 18, 2019

Machine learning can create an entirely new intelligent customer experience.
Posted March 11, 2019

To improve customer experience, contact center dashboards should provide at-a-glance functionality for key metrics without forcing users to sort through mountains of data.
Posted March 05, 2019

Contact centers deploying artificial intelligence-driven speech-to-text (STT) solutions and multichannel data analytics can greatly improve the customer experience.
Posted February 25, 2019

Making solutions easier to use should be more important than making solutions that delight customers.
Posted February 19, 2019

Call centers have been improved so much that they are now the key element to good customer service.
Posted February 15, 2019

Artificial intelligence will improve customer service by empowering humans, not replacing them.
Posted February 11, 2019

Growing companies can really benefit from outsourcing some customer service functions, but it should be done as a partnership.
Posted February 04, 2019

Online communities can have real benefits for companies, provided that they invest in the knowledge management that powers them.
Posted January 28, 2019

The humble headset is undergoing a radical transformation - from mere communications device to powerful source of data with the potential to transform the workplace.
Posted January 21, 2019

Test voice offerings before setting them live to ensure that they deliver the experiences customers expect.
Posted January 14, 2019

Telling stories about your business and listening to your customers' stories could be the key to more successful negotiations.
Posted January 07, 2019

Omnichannel doesn't just mean being present on more than one channel and allowing users to interact however they want.
Posted January 02, 2019

As Generation Z joins the contact center workforce, they require differrent levels of professional interaction.
Posted December 17, 2018