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An increase in remote workers, advances in voice biometrics, and better call routing systems are just some of the changes that the call center may see in the future.
Posted February 11, 2015

How to create a less-effort customer experience, regardless of the initial channel of contact.
Posted February 04, 2015

If you want loyal customers, get to know them—and use what you know.
Posted January 21, 2015

Thanks to data, design, and smart apps, this will be a defining year for digital customer engagement.
Posted December 19, 2014

Used with metrics that monitor performance quality, churn can provide insight into every aspect of an organization.
Posted December 09, 2014

Here's how to get customers to complete their purchases in-store.
Posted December 02, 2014

Lessons learned from Amazon's service failure: Taking responsibility and acting swiftly to correct mistakes can not only restore customer loyalty, but further it too.
Posted November 25, 2014

It's critical for call centers to be 100 percent compliant with the changing TCPA regulations, regardless of ambiguous rules.
Posted November 25, 2014

A multichannel strategy trumps low prices and promotions to snag this elusive audience.
Posted November 13, 2014

Reports of CRM's demise may have been greatly exaggerated.
Posted November 11, 2014

Sixty-four percent of customers would rather text a business than call, according to a Harris Poll/OneReach survey.
Posted November 04, 2014

Customer experience is one of the few areas in which retailers can differentiate themselves from the competition. As the holiday season approaches, remember these key tips to keep your organization on track.
Posted October 28, 2014

Conquer the challenges of business growth while still meeting internal goals and customer demands.
Posted October 21, 2014

Increase contact center efficiency by avoiding the clutter of an unruly technology stack and adopting a channel-centric approach.
Posted October 13, 2014

A look at edge computing and its implications for the modern contact center.
Posted October 07, 2014

An increasingly customer-driven marketplace demands that retailers provide a seamless omnichannel shopping experience.
Posted October 06, 2014

Companies need to understand that consumers want to have intelligent, contextually relevant, and proactive experiences.
Posted September 16, 2014

Contact centers that listen closely and respond to what customers have shared will have an edge over those that turn a deaf ear.
Posted September 03, 2014

In today's digital era, where social media posts and updates spread like wildfire, it's critical for call centers to be in the same place as their customers.
Posted August 26, 2014

A top-of-the-line customer experience that improves customer lifetime value can only happen when coaching and training are priorities for all levels of an operations team.
Posted August 25, 2014

Understanding customer issues allows organizations to take steps to resolve root causes.
Posted July 23, 2014

Modern HCM technology improves employee experiences, productivity, engagement, and retention.
Posted July 21, 2014

Savvy carriers have developed ways to transform call centers from resource hogs into profit centers, all without gouging customers.
Posted June 05, 2014

Underestimating the importance of customer service in a B2B setting is one of the gravest mistakes, and one that is made far too often. Organizations believe that since they aren't dealing with an end user, they can get away with committing fewer resources to support their customers. They couldn't be more wrong.
Posted June 02, 2014

By recognizing the shift in how customers seek assistance, businesses can not only improve satisfaction, but potentially boost revenue as well.
Posted May 22, 2014

Here's how interaction analytics can put your business back in control.
Posted May 14, 2014

It's crucial that businesses embrace the concept of a multichannel contact center so that they connect with customers on their terms.
Posted May 13, 2014

Disconnected data can spell disaster for a contact center. However, in many cases, it's possible to create a single, user-friendly automated interface that brings together relevant information from discrete sources.
Posted May 07, 2014

Millions of dollars are spent on calls that don't result in closed sales. Speech analytics may prevent you from leaving money on the table.
Posted May 02, 2014

New technologies and best practices can play an important role in improving employee engagement and customer service in today's radically changing contact center.
Posted April 23, 2014

In today's fast-paced world—where answers to almost any question can be retrieved with a few clicks—consumers expect information in seconds. What does that mean for your inbound customer service contact center?
Posted April 22, 2014

At times, it may seem as if doing business online instead of in person creates a disengaged customer experience. But when right technologies to leverage multimedia and visual elements arej used, the online customer service experience can be even more engaging than doing business face to face.
Posted April 15, 2014

Improve your lead conversion rates as well as your customers' experiences.
Posted April 15, 2014

Tech support representatives can often face a barrage of disgruntled customers. Here are some tips to alleviate stress for you and them.
Posted March 28, 2014

More solutions are becoming available for small businesses that are affordable and easy to implement and maintain. Here are three considerations to help save you time and money when researching contact center solutions.
Posted March 25, 2014

By paying attention to these trends, companies can elevate the customer experience, build loyalty, and increase satisfaction.
Posted February 25, 2014

Taking a customer-centric approach and integrating communication channels are just some of the steps that can lead your contact center to success.
Posted February 19, 2014

Posted February 14, 2014

The heart of customer relationships often lies in the contact center, where customer interactions can easily make or break a company's bottom line. Are you taking advantage of customer interactions to create ongoing relationships?
Posted February 11, 2014

From dealing with angry customers to rewarding contact center agents, here are some recommendation to help your company improve customer service.
Posted January 23, 2014

Managing your customers and ensuring that they have a wonderful experience with your product and company is your job—but do you have the right tools to ensure your success?
Posted January 09, 2014

Enterprises must adapt to the new expectations of connected consumers. If you want to be aligned with your customers here are some technology solutions that reduce time and effort.
Posted December 19, 2013

Improving the contact process has been cited as having the greatest impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals. Access to intelligent data can help make a call center more efficient and increase both customer and contact centers representative satisfaction.
Posted October 28, 2013

Contact service professionals can provide important insights into customer's emotional reactions to product purchases. Is your company prepared for the future of "emotionomics?"
Posted October 01, 2013

Finding balance between compliance and customer satisfaction has been an increasing challenge for companies. Here are some suggestions to address consumer expectations and demands while complying with regulations.
Posted September 20, 2013

Communications is critical to successful customer service. Learn how to master the message and drive better customer interactions.
Posted June 13, 2013

Companies would do well not to ignore their employees. By establishing a voice of the employee program, the enterprise can uncover valuable insight into customer behavior.
Posted June 13, 2013

Virtual assistants may differ in their capabilities, but their intent is to help manage data and applications on personal devices. They need to be multichannel and project business rules consistently across those channels.
Posted June 05, 2013

The explosive growth in VoC programs has great potential for both organizations and consumers, but there is an inherent responsibility on both sides.
Posted May 17, 2013