Rebecca Wettemann

CRM industry analyst
Rebecca Wettemann

Rebecca Wettemann is CEO and principal at Valoir (, an industry analyst firm focused on the value of technology.

Articles by Rebecca Wettemann

Maintaining your knowledge base today will prepare you for present and future information demands.
Posted July 11, 2024

WEM used to be a nice-to-have, but now its greater impact is becoming clear.
Posted May 24, 2024

Companies need to do a better job of selling AI to contact center leaders and employees and customers.
Posted March 28, 2024

Five key changes to reframe the value equation of the contact center
Posted December 01, 2023

Embedded commerce helps customer service teams better engage with clients without friction and risk of disengagement.
Posted October 13, 2023

Use technology, not surveys, to understand your customers.
Posted September 07, 2023

Your contact center moved to the cloud. Did your team?
Posted July 27, 2023

Contact center agents and supervisors are worried about being replaced by AI. Technology should help agents, not eliminate them.
Posted June 23, 2023

Contact centers lag behind other departments in automation, so here are some areas that can be automated and a plan for doing so.
Posted May 12, 2023

Artificial intelligence is finally becoming a real force in the contact center, and working it into your strategy doesn't have to be a challenge.
Posted March 24, 2023

Companies that provide learning and mentoring opportunities to contact center agents have more engaged employees and struggle less with recruitment and retention.
Posted October 21, 2022

Most customers don't even know what the metaverse is yet, so don't rush in full-steam-ahead without doing your homework.
Posted June 24, 2022

As hybrid work environments seem here to stay, companies can take steps to keep agents engaged as parts of the organization.
Posted May 20, 2022

Low-code/no-code platforms just have too many benefits to ignore any longer.
Posted April 08, 2022

We need to think about and measure voice just like any other channel of interaction.
Posted December 03, 2021

Empathy matters when dealing with customers today, and here's how to incorporate it into your operations.
Posted October 01, 2021

Enabling agents to cross-sell and upsell or move to other channels needs the proper guardrails and supporting technologies and processes.
Posted August 27, 2021

Measuring and acting on insights across channels is critical for optimizing digital interactions and customer satisfaction.
Posted July 16, 2021

New ways of onboarding, coaching, and fostering a sense of community are essential as companies return with work-from-home and hybrid staffing.
Posted June 03, 2021

Next-generation chatbots are far more capable than earlier ones, so you can't have the same expectations as before.
Posted March 22, 2021

The new contact center is not a cost center, but rather, the core of customer experience.
Posted January 15, 2021

Personas will better match agents with customers, improving experiences for both.
Posted November 06, 2020

To show empathy toward customers, let them know you understand their problems and give them a say in how they are solved.
Posted September 10, 2020

As we've seen, technology is important, but relationships are equally important.
Posted July 16, 2020

As interactions move online, digital channels like chat and co-browse become a lifeblood of customer service.
Posted May 22, 2020

Letting customer service agents work from home is smart business sense and presents an opportunity to take advantage of new technologies.
Posted March 27, 2020

Timing, testing, and trust need to be at the forefront of any digital transformation.
Posted January 30, 2020

CX isn't the same as CRM, but it requires an investment all the same.
Posted November 01, 2019

Successful customer communities share some common elements.
Posted September 13, 2019

Companies should make websites accessible and train agents to deal with disabled consumers.
Posted June 18, 2019

Training artificial intelligence is a lot like training a new puppy, without all the mess.
Posted April 18, 2019

To get a complete view of customers, companies need to do more with the data they have.
Posted March 04, 2019

The gig economy can teach contact center operators a few things about employee retention.
Posted January 11, 2019

Agent-advocates can be your strongest means toward more loyal customers.
Posted December 07, 2018

Customer service reps can be taught sales techniques to provide solutions, not just resolve cases.
Posted September 28, 2018

Field service work can be a differentiator, if done properly with the customer in mind.
Posted July 27, 2018

Artificial intelligence has limited capabilities right now, so don't let vendors oversell it.
Posted June 01, 2018

Bots should be considered for more than just their cost-saving potential.
Posted January 26, 2018

Technology failed the retail giant, but so did its lack of focus on the right customer service strategies.
Posted August 18, 2017

With the right tools, agents can be just as effective as technologies coming into use in the contact center.
Posted May 19, 2017

4 tips to help you get the most in your technology-buying decisions.
Posted February 03, 2017

Customer communities, knowledge bases, self-service options, and analytics are all smart investments right now.
Posted November 18, 2016

Tread lightly when venturing into the Internet of Things for customer service, but know the potential is great.
Posted February 22, 2016

Managers need to overcome human factors, such as structural, cultural, hierarchical, and individual barriers, to make their contact centers excel.
Posted November 16, 2015