SparkCentral Launches In-App Messaging

Sparkcentral today launched the In-App Messaging solution for mobile customer service. Now brands can provide their end-users with the ability to engage with live customer service agents through secure messaging without ever leaving their smartphone apps. 

In-App Messaging, the company said, enables companies to create a concierge-like service, without forcing the customer to leave the mobile app.

"In-App Messaging is critical for creating the most cohesive and personalized customer experiences," said Davy Kestens, CEO of Sparkcentral, in a statement. "Customers today expect seamless and effortless support on whatever medium they’re on. The ability to problem-solve in a brand's native app fixes the last missing piece in the mobile experience. At the end of the day, your customers are increasingly mobile, so shouldn't your customer service be available there too?"

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Apps that provide support are becoming essential across industries.

Posted September 18, 2015