NICE Launches Enlighten AutoSummary

NICE today launched Enlighten AutoSummary, an artificial intelligence-powered contact center solution for automatically generating contact center summaries of every customer interaction with agents.

The interaction notes generated by Enlighten AutoSummary include customer contact reason, actions, and outcomes. The solution is underpinned by predictive AI models based on the industry's leading CX dataset. In addition, Enlighten AutoSummary continuously improves its understanding of specific customer and agent behaviors with machine learning.

Enlighten AutoSummary works with any CRM system. Contact centers can use the summary data as part of comprehensive analytics programs to ensure that promised actions and outcomes, such as callbacks, have been scheduled.

"Enlighten AutoSummary continues NICE's relentless CXi (Customer Experience interactions) focus on delivering exceptional experiences with innovative AI technology that enables contact centers to capture and summarize critical information in agent interactions with customers," said Barry Cooper, president of the CX Division at NICE, in a statement. "Our latest out-of-the-box solution automatically identifies contact reasons and outcomes with high accuracy, allowing agents to focus on the customer at the present moment. And, whether the last interaction was five minutes or five months ago, Enlighten AutoSummary provides the next agent and the supervisor with everything they need to know for more personalized, seamless customer service every time."

"Enlighten AutoSummary is an out-of-the-box solution providing immediate value with automated AI-driven contact center interaction summaries. The solution brings NICE's massive CX dataset to the table for highly accurate reporting of call reasons, intentions, and outcomes, improving customer experience by providing consistent and thorough information to every agent along each customer's journey. The automated summaries can then also be leveraged in the context of interaction analytics for a wider CX strategy," said Omer Minkara, vice president and principal analyst at Aberdeen.