Noble Systems Issued 100th Contact Center Technology Patent

Noble Systems a provider of omnichannel contact center technology, has received its 100th U.S. patent.

This latest patent covers the company's SmartRecover technology (#9,456,076, titled "Handling Audio Path Failure and Poor Quality of Service for Voice Calls in a Contact Center"). SmartRecover monitors audio paths and provides automatic resolution of an audio interruption to ensure quality of service and significantly reduce dropped calls within Noble's cloud-based deployments.

"In 2012, we made the development of our intellectual property a key focus of our business, realizing the importance of protecting our technology innovations in an increasingly competitive marketplace. We developed an in-house IP team and introduced an IP Innovations Program which recognizes team members who nominate new features and collaborate to develop successful patent applications," said Jim Noble, president and CEO of Noble Systems, in a statement. "Through these efforts, our IP portfolio has grown by over 550 percent, and almost 50 different employees have their names on patents for Noble technologies. We believe this commitment to securing our solutions for the future is a key differentiator for our clients."