Genesys Taps Dell Boomi’s Data Management Solution for Cloud-Based CRM

Dell Software announced that Genesys is using Dell Boomi to integrate, manage and govern master data management (MDM) across its NetSuite cloud ERP, CRM and other cloud-based applications. The Dell Boomi platform enables Genesys to rapidly automate workflows, synchronize data that runs through multiple business processes, and enforce data governance across the organization.

Dell Boomi’s single-platform allows Genesys to:

  • Automate and accelerate critical business processes like invoicing.
  • Eliminate errors associated with manual processing.
  • Increase productivity and agility of key functions, including finance and sales.

When Genesys was spun off as an independent organization and needed to rapidly build a new operational infrastructure, it opted to go with a cloud-first strategy that included NetSuite, CRM and other SaaS applications, and Dell Boomi to support their end-to-end data management strategy, Dell said. 

“Dell Boomi’s unique combination of cloud integration, master data management and data quality services changes the economics of data governance,” said Kris Krishan, vice president, enterprise applications, Genesys, in a statement. “Dell Boomi has enabled us to rapidly and cost-effectively extend the value of NetSuite as our critical information repository by ensuring that complete, accurate, and up-to-date information is accessible to key business functions across our organization.”